About Me

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Hi my name is Heather. I have been married to my best friend since 11/03/2007. We have a healthy son Brent a angel daughter Addison, healthy rainbow Iva and a angel son Pierson. We are just a family that loves each other and tries to spend as much time together. We have learned from all of our past we appreciate the little things in life.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Days go on..

I haven't had a chance to write about Pierson just yet, but I will soon enough.
Most days are easier then what I remember 4 years ago. But even after 4 years their are still hard days. Maybe its because I have not lost just 1 baby but in reality I have lost 2 babies. Addison still sits heavy on my heart. Not sure why her more then Pierson. Maybe its because I was able to love her for 28 weeks, I built a future with her. I wanted her so badly, that to this day it hurts, still.. Drs after drs showing no hope, I was the one that held onto that hope. I wanted so badly to prove those drs wrong.
When I lost Pierson at just 14 weeks to the same thing Addison had, I felt almost like a closure for me. I held on to so much guilt and so many questions that never were answered after Addison died. Even though I knew I didn't do anything to Addison to cause her condition, doesn't mean I never felt like I didn't. I always wondered, was it me? Once we found out Pierson had the same condition, my shoulders relaxed and I realized I truly didn't do anything. I wasn't happy to find out that this was in fact genetic but it answered soooo many questions I had.
Today, is a day where I sit back and wonder what life would have been if Addison was here, and also what it would be like if Pierson was here. Its such a weird thing because I have 2 healthy and 2 in heaven but am I a family of 4? Would I have had 4 kids if Addison was born. Would their ever been a Iva or even Pierson? These are the questions that can torment me. I'm so thankfully for my spunky Iva, but without Addison I don't think I would have ever had a Iva. Without a Iva I would have never had a Pierson..
Life can be confusing, and much more confusing when you have 2 babies in heaven. My heart hurts today, even after 4 years without Addison and 7 months after Pierson.

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