About Me

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Hi my name is Heather. I have been married to my best friend since 11/03/2007. We have a healthy son Brent a angel daughter Addison, healthy rainbow Iva and a angel son Pierson. We are just a family that loves each other and tries to spend as much time together. We have learned from all of our past we appreciate the little things in life.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Power of Prayer and Miracle babies..

Sometimes this subject will urke me. I love to see or hear a miracle story. There is nothing better to see a new post from one of my groups telling a miracle story of their newest baby. I never ever want anyone to loose their baby because I lost Addison. But it kinda of makes me upset when I see and read in their stories that because they prayed or because they went to church they were given a miracle.

First of all, I prayed so so hard for Addison to be born alive and one day come home with me. I prayed every single second I thought about her, I begged God to let her live. Maybe I didn't go to church but I believed that he was the one that could heal her and yes let her come home with me one day. So when I read miracle stories saying the power of prayer can heal babies really makes me upset. It's like I didn't do that, so thats why she isn't here anymore. I know most of these stories are not saying anything like that, but in my eyes I feel like I am judged.

I also do feel of twinge of jealousy. Why wasn't Addison a miracle? Why wasn't my prayer answered? Is it because I don't go to church, or because I don't have knowledge of the bible? If I did would she have been born alive? These are all the questions I have inside my little brain all the time.

Deep down inside for me to be able to handle each day without Addison I have to believe she was only meant for a short period. She chose me as a Mother even though she knew she was going to be an angel. I like to think she chose me because I showed a lifetime of love in just 28 weeks, and in turn she showed me a lifetime of love. I will forever miss Addison and love her with every inch of my myself.

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